Guided Training

Switch freely between all plans
with weekly coach check-ins

unlimited running plans

Guided Training

Get access to 400+ running training plans
with personalization & coach guidance  

Guided Training

Switch freely between all plans
with weekly coach check-ins

running training log

The Affordable Alternative to Full Coaching


Access to 400+ running training plans

Switch freely between over 400 training plans on TrainingPeaks™ or FinalSurge®. This includes the entire library of race preparation plans from the 5K to the marathon, off-season plans, and race recovery plans.

custom training plan

Personalized training plan adjustments

Get personalized training plan adjustments, whenever needed. That means I move workouts to days that suit you best, modify your plan if you fall ill, and schedule a custom taper and recovery for your A, B, and C races.

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Weekly coach check-ins

I check in with you once a week to ask how your training is going. Simply answer with your requirements (e.g.: plan adjustments, general questions, etc.). If left unanswered, I assume everything is going according to plan.

The Affordable Alternative to Full Coaching


Access to 400+ running training plans

Switch freely between over 400 training plans on TrainingPeaks™ or FinalSurge®. This includes the entire library of race preparation plans from the 5K to the marathon, off-season plans, and race recovery plans.

custom training plan

Personalized training plan adjustments

Get personalized training plan adjustments, whenever needed. That means I move workouts to days that suit you best, modify your plan if you fall ill, and schedule a custom taper and recovery for your A, B, and C races.

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Weekly coach check-ins

I check in with you once a week to ask how your training is going. Simply answer with your requirements (e.g.: plan adjustments, general questions, etc.). If left unanswered, I assume everything is going according to plan.

Hi! I'm Sandro Sket, coach & founder of RUNNINGFRONT, NSCA-Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and a lifelong endurance athlete. I help runners like you to achieve their goals since 2013. I'm only an email away if you need plan modifications or if you have any questions.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCSs) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs.

Hi! I'm Sandro Sket, coach & founder of RUNNINGFRONT, NSCA-Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and a lifelong endurance athlete. I help runners like you to achieve their goals since 2013. I'm only an email away assisting you choose the right plan or for questions during the course of any training plan.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCSs) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs.

Hi! I'm Sandro Sket, coach & founder of RUNNINGFRONT, NSCA-Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and a lifelong endurance athlete. I help runners like you to achieve their goals since 2013. I'm only an email away if you need plan modifications or if you have any questions.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCSs) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs.

Guided Training Explained

Get started in 3 simple steps

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1. Sign up to Guided Training

Sign up and notify me via email so that I can add you to my coaching account. 

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2. Get your first training plan set up

I help you select your first plan and set up your personalized training zones.  

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3. Weekly coach check-ins

I check in with you weekly to see if you need any adjustments to your plan. 



Guided Training

on FinalSurge®
$ 39
  • Access to 400+ training plans
  • Personalized plan adjustments
  • Updated training zones
  • Weekly coach check-ins
  • Unlimited email support
  • FinalSurge® Premium

Guided Training

on TrainingPeaks™
$ 39
  • Access to 400+ training plans
  • Personalized plan adjustments
  • Updated training zones
  • Weekly coach check-ins
  • Unlimited email support
  • TrainingPeaks™ Premium

Prices in USD. Pay with any worldwide card.


Guided Training

Guided training is a hybrid of self-coaching and coaching. That means you can switch freely between all of my 400+ running training plans and reach out to me on demand if you need any personalized plan adjustments. 

This is useful for the following scenarios:

  • You prefer a different arrangement of the scheduled running days.
  • You want to add or subtract a run to/from your schedule (e.g.: 4 instead of 5 runs).
  • You missed training due to illness and now need a modification of your plan.
  • Your race got cancelled, your race date moved, or you decide for another race.
  • You include B and C races and require custom taper and recovery days.
  • You want to “ride your peak” after your A race with addtional races for a few weeks. 
  • You want an expert opinion for all questions about running at any time.

Full Coaching

Full coaching has a higher price tag because it requires the following 3 time-consuming coach inputs:

  • Fully customized week-by-week training plan built from scratch tailored to the individual.
  • Daily monitoring and analysis of workouts with post-workout comments. 
  • Communication through all channels (email, text, phone etc.) 

In the end it comes down to your preferences and budget. If you are ok with coach adjustments on demand then “Guided Training” is a great choice for effective training at a fraction of the cost of full coaching. 

If you have any questions you can email me:

TrainingPeaks and FinalSurge are the leading online training platforms for endurance athletes. Here you can upload your workouts to your running watch and follow the instructions in real-time. Post-workout it syncs your training data where you can observe your progress over time.

Both platforms come in free and paid versions. The free versions work just fine with any of my training plans. But if you prefer the premium versions you can select them here at a discount (red button above the plans). 

If you want a maximum of training metrics then I suggest you use TrainingPeaks. But for an easy-to-use and beautiful interface I recommend FinalSurge.

Here you can preview my 400+ training plans on TrainingPeaks and FinalSurge.

What Athletes Are Saying

Sandro’s expertise and attention to detail has helped me improve more than I had thought possible. Through his online coaching, I broke my 20 year 5K PR by 21 sec to 15:48. And with his plan, I was able to break my HM PR by almost 4 min to 1:14:29.

Shai Birmaher

United States

Sandro’s very well thought out coaching has assisted my running greatly, being able to fit my runs around the changing hours I work with my job. I am certain I would not have managed a 2:58 marathon PB at 45 years old without Sandro’s coaching.

Richard Leary

New Zealand

Following the competitive marathon plan helped me reach a new PR with a first place overall finish in 2:39:37 on a hilly course. Sandro’s scientific approach ensures that every run and workout has a purpose, arriving at the starting line fit, healthy, and fresh.

James Mount

United States
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